Customized VR/XR Services

You request, we develop!

Tailor-made VR and XR content/training creation based on your company needs.

For your company's specific training need, we will create the most realistic simulations for scenarios of your case!


Customized VR/XR Services

Tailor-Made Trainings

Our Customized VR services allow you to have training programs specifically suited to your organizational needs, ensuring your team receives the most relevant and effective training experiences.

Improved Outcomes

By creating immersive and interactive environments, our customized VR services engage your employees more deeply, leading to better retention of information and improved practical skills.

Scalability & Flexibility

Our customized VR solutions can be scaled to fit the size of your organization, from small teams to large enterprises, offering flexibility to adapt as your needs evolve.

Increased Engagement & Motivation

Engaging VR / XR environments captivate your employees' attention and make learning enjoyable, increasing engagement and motivation to complete training modules.

Real-Time Feedback & Assessment

Our customized VR services include real-time feedback and assessment tools, enabling immediate performance reviews and adjustments to optimize learning outcomes.

Budget-Friendly Solutions

Our customized VR training services reduce the need for physical resources, travel, and logistics associated with traditional training methods, providing a cost-effective solution for continuous learning.


Check Out Our

Sample Projects!

Virtual Lockout/Tagout Training for Leading Soft Drink Company

Virtual Lockout/Tagout Training for Leading Soft Drink

Innovative VR solution tailored for a leading soft drink company. This project
focuses on providing comprehensive training in Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)
applications within their production plant, utilizing immersive virtual
environments to enhance staff proficiency and safety protocols.

Virtual Lockout/Tagout Training for Leading Soft Drink Company

Virtual Crane Safety Checklist Training for International
Heavy Metal Manufacturer

Specialized VR solution designed for an international heavy metal
manufacturer. This project addresses crucial crane safety protocols,
Ensuring staff adherence to comprehensive checklists. Immerse
yourself in the virtual environment, where potential consequences
vividly illustrate the importance of meticulous checklist completion,
fostering a culture of safety and incident prevention.

Virtual Reality Training Program Designed For A Leading Heavy Metal Company

Virtual Reality Training Program Designed For A Leading
Heavy Metal Company

Focuses on equipping staff with comprehensive skills in crane operation and
maintenance within high-risk environments. Our VR solution ensures that
training is conducted safely, mitigating any potential hazards associated with
on-site practice, and empowering employees with the expertise needed to
operate and maintain cranes effectively.

Sample Projects: Virtual Lockout/Tagout Training for Leading Soft Drink Company Virtual Lockout/Tagout Training for Leading Soft Drink Company Innovative VR solution tailored for a leading soft drink company. This project focuses on providing comprehensive training in Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) applications within their production plant, utilizing immersive virtual environments to enhance staff proficiency and safety protocols. Virtual Crane Safety Checklist Training for International Heavy Metal Manufacturer Specialized VR solution designed for an international heavy metal manufacturer. This project addresses crucial crane safety protocols, ensuring staff adherence to comprehensive checklists. Immerse yourself in the virtual environment, where potential consequences vividly illustrate the importance of meticulous checklist completion, fostering a culture of safety and incident prevention. Virtual Crane Safety Checklist Training for International Heavy Metal Manufacturer Virtual Reality Training Program Designed For A Leading Heavy Metal Company Virtual Reality Training Program Designed For A Leading Heavy Metal Company Focuses on equipping staff with comprehensive skills in crane operation and maintenance within high-risk environments. Our VR solution ensures that training is conducted safely, mitigating any potential hazards associated with on-site practice, and empowering employees with the expertise needed to operate and maintain cranes effectively.” Tailored Virtual Reality Training Module For Safe And Efficient Forklift Operations

Tailored Virtual Reality Training Module For Safe And
Efficient Forklift Operations

Focused on forklift operations, this initiative prioritizes safety by
providing personnel with immersive training experiences in a
risk-free virtual environment.

Tailored Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Training Programs

Tailored Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Training

Harnessing the power of Virtual Reality (VR) and Extended Reality (XR) we
offer a cutting-edge and immersive learning experience that places your
personnel in a no-risk environment. Our customized training modules prioritize
safety without compromising efficiency, ensuring that your workforce receives
comprehensive and effective HSE education that transcends traditional boundaries.

Specialized Robotic Arm Training Program

Customized in accordance with a leading motor companies requirements, our
training program ensures efficiency and precision, equipping your team with
the skills needed to excel in the dynamic world of automotive manufacturing.
We provide an immersive, hands-on experience that enables personnel to
master robotic arm operations in a risk-free virtual environment.

Trusted by Top Companies


tuncay Peker_JPG

Tuncay Peker

Professor, M.D. - Gazi University

Above all, they are offering an alternative method which is as entertaining and enjoyable as it is instructive, for the younger generations who love to use technology. RoT STUDIO Virtual Reality solutions have a great role in the success of our journey in the third dimension.

Girlea Alexandru

Virtual Trainer - Ford Otosan Romania

I am really happy to say that designing my own training scenarios with only CAD knowledge is exciting! You can complete no-code platforms are getting stronger and RoT is one of the best so far with its very realistic environment and 1/1 experience as real-life.

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    +90 312 4000 768

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     Meclis Mah Atatürk Caddesi &, Çağatay Sk. No:9, 34785 Sancaktepe/ İstanbul
    ODTÜ Teknokent, ODTÜ Silikon Bloklar No: B05, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara


    +90 312 4000 768

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